Let's Talk Community

Our humanity is based on being relational beings. We are individuals who are part of something bigger than ourselves. Whether in our homes, among our friends and families, in our cities and towns or of course, in our workplaces—we are part of a community.

Of course, individualization has its place, and that old saying, “no one takes care of number one like number one” stands. However, we must also take time to prioritize community. For there is immense value in community—support, safety, connectedness and success.

In business your community is your team. Your team is your community. Whether the organization is big or small, your community is your colleagues. When 50 or 100 or 1,000 plus people come together to work, should the focus be individualization? No, the focus must be the whole organization (the community). Everyone benefits. Our community benefits when we shift our mindset…

  • From me to us

  • From how can I get ahead to how can we care for one another

  • From who’s that new guy, to hello, nice to meet you

  • From meetings are such a drain, to this could be a good time to get to know others and further understand the priorities of the department or business

We benefit when…

  • We feel part of something bigger than ourselves

  • Our contribution is appreciated

  • We feel camaraderie with others

  • Enthusiasm and high energy are experienced on the job

I invite you to do a personal audit. Next week, pay attention to the chatter in your mind. Is your inner voice focusing on a me first attitude or negative things? Or, are you focused on the we and getting the job done with a degree of satisfaction, and even enjoyment. Score yourself. Then choose to change so that you can reap the benefits of being part of a well-functioning community, aka work team.


A Curious Juxtaposition


A New Twist on Resolutions