It’s been over two years since we at BE have written a blog. February has always been a time for “heart-felt” conversations with readers. Today there are wonderful reasons to be reaching out to you. The slowdown initiated by Covid 19 provided ample time for soul searching, pondering and reflecting on the business of BE. What values underlie our work? What do I truly believe about work systems? About workers? About the world of work? Today we launch BE’s …. new website, and thought leadership blog.

Before Covid assaulted the world, I was challenged to write a short book. A marketing tool, something to leave behind when meeting with prospective clients. Always up for a chaIlenge I embraced the task wholeheartedly. I synthesized my knowledge, skills and experience and stated what I believe to be essential to work systems of all sizes. The Four Elements Guaranteed To Transform Your Experience At Work was born. I was puzzled as to whether what I wrote was a leave behind short book or a white paper intended to spark the reader’s interests. I sent it electronically as a white paper.

The unanticipated slowdown of business combined with the fear of life and death that swept through our country and the world precipitated revisiting my thoughts. BE has been a home office business for 25 years. Each morning I climb a flight of stairs and enter my office. My long term life partner is an artist whose studio is in our basement. We did not have to deal with the trauma of newly working from home with spouses and partners and suddenly having children being schooled virtually. Ours was an easier transition than most, the trauma creeping up on us stealthily.

Healthcare workers from MDs to maintenance workers were serving in hospitals with makeshift protections. Those whose job it was to keep our public transit operational were at work so that healthcare workers could get to work. The lowest paid workers, those who keep food on the shelves of supermarkets or run bodegas were also working. I began to wonder what makes them go to work? Engagement, value and appreciation. Taking pride in the fact they, perhaps for the first time in their lives, considered essential workers. Working for the betterment of the citizenry. Not only a NYC phenomenon, their elevation occurred throughout the country.

During this period I purchased a Certified Learning Provider program offered by Appleton Green & Co.. A structured system enabling me to develop a 12 month program entitled Management Paradigm consisting of monthly six-hour distance learning sessions. Writing during Covid fine tuned my thoughts and synthesized the developments I was observing in real time among the workforce. It reignited my passion to transform the world of work. Unfortunately millions of women left work to care for children and family. Others used the downtime, a first for many, to think about the meaning of their life. I've always embraced workplaces where workers at all levels are engaged, paid fairly and the companies they work for are profitable.

Welcome to my new website. Please sign up to be on my blog distribution list. In upcoming blogs I will be sharing how I see workplaces evolving, the role of managers, the accountability workers must embrace and how we all need to take care of ourselves as individuals and teams. I look forward to having much mutually stimulating discourse with you.

Till the next time ....peace and kindness,

At Bova Enterprises, we customize our approach to meet the specific needs of our clients. One size certainly does not, nor should not fit all. We work both long- and short-term depending on the issues at hand. Often we become a regular advisor (akin to legal or financial advisors) digging in deeply to know the company and its managers in an on-going fashion. Of course depending on the type of client or service needed, we also bring a richness and depth of expertise via a wide cadre of senior associates to solve problems, identify solutions and much more.


Spring and the Backdrop of War


A Curious Juxtaposition