Earthquakes, hurricanes, New Moon causing exceptionally high tides, mercury in retrograde…just a few of the tricks Mother Nature used last week to get our attention. I don’t think in my wildest dreams I could have imagined experiencing an earthquake in NYC followed a few days later by a devastating hurricane. Irene, although she did not inflict the flooding damage in NYC and the East End of LI that was anticipated, nonetheless wreaked havoc in other parts of the state and in New England. Tuesday August 22nd I happened to take the day off to be with my soon to be 93 year old mother. Engrossed sitting at her kitchen table putting her prescription medication into a weekly organizer she asked me “do you feel the floor shaking?” My initial thought as I looked over to her and saw her legs shaking was that she was fooling around. An instant later, I too felt the floor shaking and then saw the house swaying. A vase on the table was bouncing around. My first inclination something was happening with the foundation of the house. It’s about a 110 years old. I told her we had to get up and get out fearing it would collapse on us. As soon as we opened the front door and saw neighbors across the street standing in their doorway I knew we had just experienced an earthquake. It was my third or fourth, my mother’s first. How exciting life can be for a soon to be 93! I’m always amazed at times like this when something happens in just a few seconds and yet my memory of the event unfolding seems as if a much longer time transpired. The following day, although we’d been hearing about a storm forming in the Caribbean, we decided to leave for our weekend house. It was too early to say whether the storm would come ashore. By Thursday evening we knew it was headed our way. Friday morning it was apparent the storm would be hitting NYC and LI (where how home is). We needed to get preparations underway. Just filling up my gas tank was an experience with people pulling into the station from all directions. Anxiety and frustration were palpable. The potential for an argument or worse to start was increasing by the second. Frenzy in the IGA supermarket. People grabbed whatever they thought could get them through the storm, and its aftermath assuming power would be out for a few days.
Blessedly we got through the storm without damage to our home. We were without information for two days, after just having been bombarded with storm talk for the two previous days. Strangely enough the transition from nonstop information overflow to listening to the wind in the trees in the dark is not easy to make. We learned to cope without power. Eating food at room temperature. Taking time to read good books by flashlight and retiring early.
When we arrived home Monday we were surprised to hear of the devastation in counties north of the city and particularly Vermont. I thought of what it must have been like before the technology boom of the last 20 years. Imagine life a hundred years ago. People would be out of communication for days if not weeks or months. They would be forced to rely on their own skill, creativity and ingenuity. Communities would be forced to pull together.
What lessons do these recent occurrences hold? Must say I think NYC’s Mayor Bloomberg and his team did an outstanding job of communicating the seriousness of the situation and setting out specific guidelines that needed to be followed by residents of the city. Scheduled press conferences helped me feel informed even though I was in LI. Closing down the city’s mass transportation system was unprecedented; it kept people off the streets, out of harms way, and protected equipment from potential breakdown and erosion from salt water. For those who might think the city went too far, just imagine what could have happened in such a densely populated city? The Mayor demonstrated outstanding leadership his team modeled true organization engagement. The cynics will say this comes after the debacle with the snowstorm last winter. Obviously they learned from their mistakes.
These natural disasters force us to shift our attention to the human aspects of life. We walk around engrossed with our iPhones, Androids or Blackberries. It’s not unusual to see a family sitting together and yet everyone in on their own device “communicating”. The storm forced a whole generation of children, and families to entertain themselves without the benefit of power. What a novelty in today’s world.
Teamwork and community spirit are two other byproducts of Mother Nature’s fury. A friend was woken up in the middle of the night by pieces of sheetrock from her ceiling falling on her. A huge tree branch had struck their home crashing into the roof and breaking it. Once over the initial shock, neighbors rallied to help them cover up the gaping hole in the roof until contractors could start repairs.
The human spirit naturally full of the power of engagement is alive and well. We need to embrace it regularly otherwise Mother Nature will continue to create weather that insures our education.
How Are You Navigating the Trials of Life?
The heat of August usually influences the pace of business and life in general. As you may have noticed I’ve taken to a more relaxed schedule of frequency with my blogs. Everyone tends to slow down, those who can take vacations and many embrace much needed rest and relaxation. Not so August 2011.
This is perhaps the most turbulent August I can remember in a long time. For the first time in out history we are experiencing the results of the downgrade of the US credit rating. We have witnessed a debacle as we watched our Congress’ dysfunctional process. Thousands if not millions of Americans have learned to discuss and compromise on critical issues confronting them. For three years we’ve had to tighten our belts. The American people, having spoken through polls, wanted a compromise solution comprised of reduced spending and increased revenue. Instead we were held hostage, forced to witness intractable position-taking that both in the long and short term is self-serving and supports the political ideology of a few, not the American people.
As I write this blog dramatic swings on Wall Street capture the airwaves. Economies around the world are in trouble. We are awaiting news from the Feds, which hopefully will create some sense of order and security. In England, riots have broken out around London and have spread to three other cities. Are they economically or racially motivated? In the horn of Africa millions are suffering from famine and drought. Children the most vulnerable, are demonstrating resiliency when given nourishment. Basic necessities are in short supply at the world’s largest refugee camp. Sanjay Gupta’s report of a family of five, who walked for 30 days at night to get to the refugee camp only to be robbed of their meager possessions after crossing the border, is heartbreaking.
I went to Mass Sunday and the homily addressed “The Crisis Of Trust”. The Monsignor referenced an article in The London Tablet which was reprinted from Enlightenment Magazine (http://www.enlightennext.org/magazine/j9/andrew_crisis.asp) It is worth a read and I’d welcome your reactions. The chasm between word and deed is widening. We are suffering the effects of a global loss of trust in our personal relationships, business relationships and with our governing, financial, religious and other global institutions. Some of my previous blogs have addressed the diminishing lack of trust workers have for their employers.
The issues confronting the world are monumental. I’m thinking the answer has to lie within each of us. We need to spend time getting to know who we are and taking the time to reflect on our own behavior. We need to account for our own actions and begin to develop a trusting outlook for ourselves. We need to then bring this attitude and associated behaviors into our relationships and our workplace. Individually we need to do our part in addressing the issues. When I studied at the Gestalt Institute we learned we could intervene in an organizational problem at the individual, group or organizational level. It seems to me now that our best hope lies in us working at the individual level. In this way we can once again trust in ourselves and ignite the spirit of the American Dream.
"Hot Time Summer In The City…"
Summer’s heat and humidity is on the increase with the temperatures reaching into the 90ºs, high humidity and poor air quality. As is tradition in our house Monday evening we watched the 4th of July Fireworks on TV. The Capital, Macy’s and Boston Pops each had unique programs. Patriotism was planted on all the faces celebrating Independence Day. I couldn't help but think what if those feelings and enthusiasm for patriotism were applied to work in Congress and Corporate America? What might our economy be like? What might the American worker be doing, feeling, experiencing? I wondered if people were riled about the new “speed up” process I wrote about last week. What would happen if workers expressed their dismay about the state of affairs in their organizations? Would more tasks be loaded upon their already heavy shoulders? A voice for organization engagement, I have been writing about it in all its facets for the last year and a half.
Workers are engaged when they feel valued, appreciated, and respected by others with whom they work. Celebrating the 4th of July provides an opportunity for all of us to experience patriotism. The joy and delight on the faces of people from all walks of life and backgrounds celebrating our day of independence was a sight to behold. No dangerous incidents were reported as far as I know. To feel a part of something important and larger than each of us individually is essential to engagement.
On the job engagement results when one feels well matched to the tasks assigned them. Tasks need to be assigned in a clear fashion, with clarity about what, how, when and where. Managers, who clearly understand and value accountable, managerial leadership principles and practices, create the conditions in which organization engagement flourishes.
Perhaps a lesson from experiencing patriotism will help us re-engage.
Are You Running As Fast As You Can?
Did you know that corporate profits in the US are up 22% from their rate in 2007? These are pre-recession numbers. How has this dramatic growth influenced the American worker?As jobs have been eliminated the tasks that accompanied the eliminated jobs are reassigned to other workers. Unlikely to resist the assignment of additional new tasks workers quietly accept the additions to their workload. Given the job market perception is they have little recourse. It takes a very courageous person to speak up in this environment, let alone decide to leave when they see leaving as their only recourse. Most are doing the best they can to keep up. Once again fear runs rampant. Speed Up is the phenomenon I’ve just described. It’s a term that was used years ago when the American Worker was turning to the union movement to get relief, respect and fair wages. Mother Jones has a comprehensive story about this in its current edition http://motherjones.com/politics/2011/06/speed-up-american-workers-long-hours You might also want to listen to an interview on WNYC's Brian Lehrer's show Monday June 27th with Clara Jeffrey co-editor of Mother Jones Magazine. www.wnyc.org/shows/bl/2011/jun/27/great-speedup/
It’s disturbing to learn these facts. Passionate about building engaged organizations I can’t help but wonder what the underlying assumptions and values are of the executives in corporate America that continue to amass fortunes on the backs of workers. Totally supportive of greater effectiveness, efficiency and profitability in our work systems I have seen and helped to create initiatives that incorporate principles of fair pay, managerial accountability and effectiveness. This is possible while at the same time engaging the workforce. Dr. Elliott Jaques the architect of Requisite Organization outlines a science based set of principles in Social Power And The CEO Leadership and Trust is a Sustainable Free Enterprise System published by Quorum Books. After all aren't we all in this together wanting to feed our families and build a better life?
Campaign 2012 has begun. What kind of patriotism is there in corporate systems undermining the American and worker and their families?
THINK !!!!
Last Thursday, June 16th 2011, IBM celebrated its 100th Anniversary. Most news reports honored the occasion by featuring aspects of its history and showing the evolution of the IBM logo. What struck me was the evolution of the tagline Think I’ve been reflecting on thinking ever since. Have we as a culture abandoned thinking? Our young people live in a world of immediate gratification and instantaneous communication. Analysts on the stock market emphasize quarterly goals not long- term strategy and continued profitability. Are we teaching our children to think for themselves or are we making them good test takers? Is the superficial overtaking substance?
Thinking has seemingly become a luxury for the average person when it should be a routine part of everyone’s day. Merely reflecting on my own daily routine I’m embarrassed to say I am caught up in “doing”. Obviously there has to be a balance. What happens when the acceleration of time in our society transforms thinking into a luxury only a few can experience? Doesn’t that affect all of us in the long run?
We find ourselves in a recession like no other. Millions are unemployed. Small businesses are holding on for dear life. Individuals, the lucky ones, have been receiving meager unemployment benefits for multiple years. Those fortunate to have a job are exhausted. They are asked to do the job of two or three and work under the anxiety of the threat they may be the next to lose their job. Fear at the level of basic security is a crippling emotion. We all remember, “Open the pod door, HAL.”
More than ever before that I can remember our society needs our best and brightest minds to THINK us out of this recession. We need managers welcoming innovation and thinking at the workplace. This is not a paid or unpaid advertisement for IBM. However it is worth your time to visit two of their websites. One to read their Centennial Essay at www.ibm100.com which I think is a great piece on building culture. Secondly, to read the book they've developed entitled, THINK. It demonstrates the importance of thinking by putting the complex world we live in into perspective. Visually it's interesting as well. Go to http://www.ibm.com/ibm/think
Let me know what you THINK?
Paid In Full
Likely disclosing my age with the comments that follow. The other evening I was getting ready to shut down my computer when I decided to check my email account one last time. An email from a business associate sadly announced the untimely death of a mutual friend and member of the National Association of Women Business Owners NYC Chapter. Kethrin Gentile was one of those lovely people who always was willing to pitch in and lend a helping hand to associates as well as working diligently for the benefit for the organization. Although I knew Ket was seriously ill, having met her for lunch a few months ago, I got the impression she was out of the woods. I still don’t know what exactly happened because by the time the email reached me early that evening, the wake was over and the funeral mass which was scheduled for early the next morning, was about 150 miles from where I was. There was no way I could get there.
This is the first time I experienced the shock of death via email. Must say I was startled. There was no one to talk to. I experienced an ache in my heart. A flurry of email responses followed from other women equally as startled as I at this news.
Grief is an important aspect of life. How do we grieve in the world of twenty-four hour electronic communication? I realized today another friend probably hasn’t heard about Ket’s passing. The dilemma do I send an email or do I call her? I chose to call her only to get her voice mail twice. What kind of message does one leave?
This age of instant communications and messaging perhaps requires some new rules. Another colleague put it aptly when she said “There is no off button in our lives anymore”. Can we stop long enough to acknowledge the departed? Experience our own response to the news? Human interaction, comforting, holding literally and figuratively, is so important to the grieving process. Coupled with the context of cultural mores this is a complex aspect of life.
I’ve been writing for almost two years on the subject of organization and employee engagement. Stressing the importance of human contact a pat on the back, a smile, looking into another’s face, perhaps a hug when distressed. In her death Ket has once again made a contribution, as Shakespeare said, “He that dies pays all debts”. May Ket rest in peace. Sending virtual hugs to Sal and her family.
Sitting here in my office in the sweltering heat. If anyone had told me we’d reach 97 degrees in early June I would have told them they were crazy. What’s the old saying, “misery loves company I’m not alone in that more than half the country is experiencing this unprecedented heat wave. I often wonder Is the universe sending us a message? Thousands of acres are burning in AZ, we’ve had a run of deadly tornados in April and May killing over 450 people, destroying over 8000 buildings In Joplin, MO and devastating the cities of West Springfield and Springfield, MA. Here in NY the news waves are obsessed with the Congressman Weiner sexting scandal. We are hearing little about the impressive community and team efforts in the Dakotas, Iowa and Nebraska to offset the rising Missouri River. Those communities destroyed by tornados are slowly picking up the pieces. This morning I received an email from a friend and colleague in Sweden, actually he is the founder of Next Level-USA the company I’m affiliating with and mentioned in my Newsletter last week talking about “a good life”. Runar was asking and answering the question, “What is a good life?”
Taking his lead I ask you the same question. What are the components of a good life? How does it differ for each and every one of us? How does living a good life affect you at your place of employment? Does it affect how you run your business? Does it affect how you are with family? Technology has sped up the world to such a great degree that many of us, particularly the young have never even asked themselves these questions. When I put this in the greater context of devastating weather throughout the US and the volcanic eruptions and earthquakes around the world, I begin to think the “universe” (that which is greater than all of us), is telling us we need a course correction. We need to bring humanity and compassion back into the forefront of our daily lives. How do you define a good life?
Snaring The Bluebird Of Happiness
The Findings column in the NY Times May 17th 2011 by John Tierney starts off with the question, “Is happiness overrated?” NYTimes.com The story follows the intellectual explorations of noted psychologist Martin Seligman. In a nutshell he caused a stir in the psychology world when he questioned whether colleagues were spending too much time on mental illness and not enough on life’s joys. He authored a best seller in 2002 “Authentic Happiness”. Now almost ten years later he is questioning or perhaps identifying further distinctions in his most recent book “Flourish” which was published a few weeks ago. You might be wondering …what if anything might this have to do with organization engagement. I think there is much to ponder here. Apparently his own study and the plethora of books on happiness got Seligman thinking about whether focusing on happiness is too limiting. Have you thought about the relationship between happiness and accomplishment? Just think about colleagues and friends who have accomplished a lot. Are they happy? When introducing Requisite Organization principles to managers we emphasize the importance of an individual valuing the work s/he is engaged in. We introduce the concept of an individual’s maturation of capability needing to be aligned with the complexity of the tasks assigned them. Appropriate task assignments are like manna for the brain. They nourish us and help the maturation process. When individual capability is aligned with the tasks assigned the phenomena of internalized flow takes place.
In “Flourish” which I’ve not yet read, Seligman focuses on “well-being” considering it to be more a robust, comprehensive and descriptive concept to capture the evolution of his thinking than happiness. Engagement, one of five components of wellbeing is defined as “the feeling of being lost in a task”. For the last year I’ve been blogging about organization engagement… creating conditions wherein employees at every level of an organization can feel engaged. I love this definition of engagement as being “lost in a task”. I must admit I’m not sure if it’s Seligman’s or Tierney’s but its great. What is so powerful is when engaged we are totally focused, in the present although we might be weaving in thoughts from past experience and/or future anticipation. This is a powerful state to be in. Athletes refer to it as the zone, psychologists as being in flow. Employee engagement is essential to organization effectiveness and greater profitability. Only when people are engaged with their work individually as well as when in teams can we hope to have the release of human imagination, creativity and innovation, which will be the engine that drives our economy.
"X Marks The Spot"
Those of you who are regulars to my blog know we skipped last week. It was an extremely busy week and writing the blog slipped from consciousness. Bova Enterprises is in the midst of exploring some new alliances, and new entrepreneurial ventures. Personally I’ve just taken on a new board position. I’m always amazed at people who are extremely well read. Those that read the NY Times from cover to cover daily, or are regulars reading The New Yorker Magazine, or the Economist in their entirety each week. I just never seem to have the time to do that. However last week I did treat myself by reading the New Yorker cover to cover. The edition with Osama Bin laden’s face “rubbed out”. For those of you who haven’t seen it I think it’s a must. There are some really great articles in it. http://www.newyorker.com
I was particularly intrigued with Malcolm Gladwell’s piece The Creation Myth and the article about the reinvention of PepsiCo, Snacks For A Fat Planet. Gladwell writes about how Steve Jobs as a young entrepreneur visited Xerox’s PARC and saw the original concept of the mouse and icons on the screen. The trade off was Xerox could buy shares in Apple before the IPO, for allowing Jobs to see the small computer they were working on. He built on the idea and totally shifted the direction in which his company was going, resulting in the creation of the Macintosh. Apparently this is a well-known story in certain circles but it was new to me.
I am fascinated by the parallel tracks of the evolution of an idea or new product, and the trajectory a company then takes. After a brief foray Xerox went out of the personal computer business and into the laser printer business and Apple created the out of the box MAC.
As I ponder this evolution of two companies American icons, we have Jobs resigning from leadership of his company after a power struggle with his Board in 1984. He goes off to create a new company, which in turn gets purchased by Apple in 1996 bringing him back to Apple. In the interim he creates Pixar, sells it to Disney and becomes the largest individual shareholder of Disney. Since 1997 he’s CEO of Apple and has overseen the transformation of the music industry through iTunes and smartphones through the iPhone. You probably realize by now I am a huge Apple fan. I have never owned a PC.
Granted I follow Apple a bit more because I am one of its loyal customers and shareholders. But I think it’s important to look at Xerox. It was established in 1906 and has reinvented itself a few times in its 105 year-old history as an employer. Go to http://www.xerox.com for a treasure trove of facts on a page. A few things stand out for me about Xerox. One the name of the company has become synonymous with making a copy of a document. Secondly it was one of the first Fortune 100 companies to have a woman CEO Anne Mulcahy in 2001. It now has the distinction of being the only major publicly traded corporation worldwide to have successive women CEO’s and Chairs in the selection of Ursula burns to follow Mulcahy.
Innovation and creativity repeatedly show up in these two American corporate icons.
Have You Ever Thought About What’s Behind Celebration?
I always thought the 5th of May was a national Mexican holiday. As a child I don’t recall any awareness of this celebration. About 20 years ago I first heard mention of it when speaking with some younger colleagues who said they were going out to celebrate Cinco De Mayo. What’s that I asked? The answer, “it’s a Mexican holiday. There will be lots of Tequila, salsa and chips.” I thought it was celebrated throughout Mexico but now know some Mexican states celebrate it while others don’t. It is not Mexican Independence Day but rather celebrates a battle between France and Mexico, which the Mexican’s won in what is now the state of Puebla. In the US it has become a day to celebrate Mexican heritage and pride. This got me to thinking aboutthe spontaneous celebrations that erupted throughout major cities Sunday night at the news of Bin Laden’s death. I had just returned home from Ohio during which I encountered higher than normal airport security scrutiny at CVG. I’d been at meetings with little access to news (although I was able to see the wedding of William and Catherine) so decided to turn on CNN when I got into my apartment.
Like you the news took me by surprise. A plethora of feelings rushed to the surface, relief, fear, pride, jubilation and curiosity to name a few. When reports of spontaneous gatherings started appearing I must say I was surprised. It seemed as if they were mostly young people, college students waving flags and singing God Bless America and chanting USA. That would make them about age 7-11 when the horror of September 11, 2001 happened.
It had never dawned on me how the death of this terrorist could ignite people to express joy and pride in the United States-something I think has been missing for a long time. I too felt tremendous pride listening to President Obama addressing the country right before midnight. The individual Navy Seals of Team 6 who accomplished this great feat will never be recognized individually. We will never know their names. This in itself is an extraordinary lesson - a shift in focus of attention from individual ego to service for the whole.
So here are some thoughts about celebration. Our organizations, like our country have been under extraordinary stress this last decade. Our way of communicating and working with one another have been deteriorating. Celebration, rallying around something positive, an accomplishment or even a shift of focus can help all of us focus on what is good in our companies and country. The law of attraction says that what we think about we create. Bin Laden through his death has given us a great gift: the reminder that we are Americans. America, home of the free, land of the brave, built on religious freedom and opportunity for all!
It’s The Truth, Actions Do Speak Louder Than Words
About ten days ago I had the privilege of hearing the President of The Trump Network (TTN), Lou DiCaprio, speak to a room of a few hundred independent marketers for the company. TTN is a new company in the health and wellness field with a big mission. For someone in organization development promoting the creation of engaged organizations, that is not anything new. There are hundreds of company’s with big missions and beautifully articulated mission statements who never realize their mission. There are many reasons why. Some reasons are totally outside of the control of the CEO and or president, like natural disasters, unprecedented downturns in the economy, or even the introduction of state of the art technology. However the reason for many failures has to do with ....the actual managerial leadership of the company. Many executives and business owners are unaware of the impact the inconsistency between their words and actions have on the workforce. Creating a new business and/or growing from small to big requires a different mindset and is best done when utilizing a set of organizing principles which capture the nature of the work to be done, how roles need to be designed and what is the best structure to put in place-the foundational structure and organization beliefs that will allow the company to grow and expand naturally. Consistent managerial leadership behavior is essential to creating an engaged organization.
Hearing Lou DiCaprio speak and having a few words with him privately made me think of another important aspect of success. This is the demonstrated authenticity of the CEO and/or president. Lou is one of three original founders of a company called Ideal Health. It’s mission was to change the health of the nation and then the world one test at a time. Its only product was Priva Test and Custom Essentials. Individuals take the Priva test in the privacy of their own home and then send the specimen to the lab for analysis. Once analyzed the lab sends results to the formulary, which then identifies the right custom formula for you. A report and the first month’s customized supplements are sent to you. Monthly supplies of the supplements are then automatically shipped to each customer. The company grew slowly and steadily, with setbacks along the way. The founders dreamed of being the first direct marketing company to be billion-dollar company in the US and then go global. Apparently this has yet to be done. They were courted by other companies but rejected the advances. The founders not only believed in their product; they wanted it to become the hallmark of the wellness industry. They speak their truth. Now under a new name, branded as The Trump Network their authenticity is even more important.
I have heard Lou speak on at least six or seven occasions. I’ve heard hundreds of independent marketers refer to he and his partners as great guys. I’ve seen people stand on line to speak with Lou, myself included, and find that he is totally focused on the conversation at hand. He looks you straight in the eye with the clearest of eyes and everything around you fades into the background. My life partner an actor says “he’s mastered the art of interpersonal skills”. This may be true. I also think it’s a demonstration of authenticity at work.
Reflections On Leading And Managing
Wherever I go people are always asking me, “What makes a good leader?” They rarely ask me “What makes a good manager?” We are not training managers anymore. We encourage and train leaders. I’ve been reflecting on this phenomenon for some time, and finally am ready to put some words to the page.Perhaps a historical perspective will prove helpful here, particularly to the under forty readers of my blog. However, do note this is history according to Rosemary. The anti war movement of the 1960’s ushered in negative perceptions of the military particularly command and control. Up to that time corporate America looked to the military as role models of managing large systems. Universities conferring graduate degrees in business administration began to flourish in the 1970’s and 80’s and professors began to search for new ways of running large corporations. Management was associated with militaristic behavior and soon everyone was talking about the importance of leadership. New books on leadership were showing up in bookstores at a rapid pace and corporations began to hire professors to speak on their latest hypotheses of leadership. The wave of leadership took on momentum and every magazine and newspaper was writing articles about leadership. I can recall feeling shunned by colleagues when I tried to make a point about the importance of management. Those of us who distinguished management from leadership, and recognized the importance of effective managerial leadership were out.
Leaders need people to lead, and so concurrent with the wave of leadership came the wave of teams, particularly self-managed teams. Basically teams with designated leaders who had no authority and accountability over their team members, for the tasks they were being asked to complete. I recall one woman at Levi Strauss saying to me, “All I want to do is my job. I don’t want to be on all these teams.”
There are some important distinctions that need to be made between managing and leading. I for one have always recognized leadership as a component of management. Managers by definition have certain accountabilities and authorities associated with their roles. Leadership on the other hand categorizes a group of behaviors that individuals can demonstrate in role but generally are not tied to specific accountabilities, authorities and outcomes. These characteristics in general are behavioral in nature, but not necessary for one to be effective in role.
Months ago I wrote about a Fortune magazine issue featuring young retiring military personnel being courted by America’s largest corporations for their innovativeness and creativity. What the article didn’t mention, which is essential, is their understanding of role accountability and authority of their rank as well as the behavioral attributes of leading. Corporations need to do a better job of articulating the accountability and authority associated with specific roles, particularly managerial roles so that individuals can bring their full capacity (knowledge, skill, experience, style and intellect) to their jobs. It is the integration of management accountabilities and authorities with the individual behavioral characteristics of incumbents in these roles that will help to create “engaged organizations”.
Wishing all a Blessed Easter and Happy Passover!
Just Like Spring, Organization Engagement Is Blooming
In order to stay engaged, you need to stay current. One way to do this is to attend industry or professional association meetings. I did this yesterday and was inspired by a presentation at New York Human Resource Planning Society (NYHRPS) which added value to my thinking. ….Every once in a while you meet someone you really feel a connection with on an intellectual level. I met such a person, Steve Richardson, years ago when I was doing an assignment for high potential executives at American Express. Steve now in his own consulting business, is working with the Estee Lauder Companies. He and the client, Janice Hall, VP HR presented at NYHRPS, their topic Engagement: Follow The Yellow Brick Road. I’ve learned a lot about the power of metaphor having been trained at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland years ago. Painting a picture and telling a story are two key ways of getting complex concepts across. Executives need to increase their use of metaphor and story telling as a means of re-engaging their workforce. The audience was filled with senior HR professionals packed like sardines in a long narrow room. No one left early. All were riveted to hear the Estee Lauder Companies story. Ms. Hall runs an “engagement unit” this is her dream position.
The company has a new CEO, Fabrizio Freda, who comes from P&G. A very different perceived culture from that of touchy feely Lauder, where the brands all ran independently and strategy flowed from the bottom up. The challenge now is to keep the great aspects of their culture and brands, while bringing greater efficiencies and systems into play. The strategic focus is now being created and driven from the top and cascading down into brands and services. Building cross brand relationships among executives is also an initiative and I know first hand how effective this can be as it was a hallmark of my work at American Express. It results in big payoffs.
What I found very useful was the use of a “house” to describe the reinvention of the HR function from tactical to strategic. Actually I think they are using the house metaphor to demonstrate the massive cultural change initiative they are going through throughout the company.
I have no idea if they will be doing more presenting or writing on this process but suggest you be on the lookout for anything on the Estee Lauder Companies. They appear to have truly embraced Organization Engagement and it’s affecting their stock price as well as their overall effectiveness.
Those interested in learning more about metaphors and stories you can find some helpful information at AnneMiller.com
Some Musings On Men And Women And Work
Have been traveling working with clients in Buffalo. Now sitting at the airport waiting for my delayed flight to arrive so we could take off. Trying to be productive I decided to write my blog from the US Airways Club. One of the benefits of my American Express Platinum Card. Its time like these when the membership fee takes on a whole new value. Sunday evening I caught the last twenty minutes of Celebrity Apprentice. The dissension and frustration among the men’s team intrigued me. The women’s team seemed to be functioning effectively although there was some tension between the project manager and Dionne Warwick. I missed the task being assigned but did see the guest executive talking to the teams. When they got to the boardroom, with Mr Trump and his sons and daughter there was no mention by members of the men’s team of the dissension or frustration of members. One member ….a Country Western singer performed a song he wrote and sang during the assignment. The project leader was sure his team had won and was confident in his leadership being a factor of their success. (Earlier his team members were quite vocal about his ineffectiveness.) On the other hand, the female team leader did not exhibit or express determined confidence her team had won. She spoke of how well they worked together and thought everyone was focused and gave their all. She was low key in her presentation. The client (executive) was wowed by the song and the team’s signage placements, and chose the men’s team as the winners, which meant someone had to be eliminated on the woman’s team. The team leader, in a low-key style took full responsibility for her team’s loss. She left no option but for Mr. Trump to “fire her”. He did acknowledge her integrity and unwillingness to blame a team member or two. She walked out holding her head high. I think even her team members were surprised. Granted this is realty TV, but I do believe there are many people who are emulating or wanting to emulate Mr. Trump’s success and style of management. What lessons are they learning? For all the dissension in the men’s team before the boardroom they presented a united front. Men seem to be able to put differences aside when it comes to winning the game. The women on the other hand spoke more about how effectively they worked together. It was all about their relationships. They has a good experience but did not win. For anyone wanting to learn more about read gender differences read Deborah Tannen’s research. It captures the gender differences in our socialization and perhaps DNA from early childhood.
I imagine all of us have been deeply affected by the natural disasters in Japan this past weekend. One of the largest earthquakes ever recorded followed immediately by a devastating Tsunami. It’s hard to believe the photographs are real. My mind prefers to imagine they are trailers for the next blockbuster disaster movie. Add to the mix the uncertainty of more than one partial or full nuclear reactor meltdowns. I find myself having difficulty grasping the enormity of the devastation. What would I do in that situation? A friend commented how calm and orderly the people seem to be. Would I be calm and orderly faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges? I am no scholar of Japanese culture or history. What I do know is the culture’s emphasis is on community. After WWII they rebuilt their country to become a vibrant economy. In the 1990’s Japan suffered major economic stress and pulled out of it. Living with frequent earthquakes the Japanese have trained their people on what to do in the event of a significant quake. They turned to nuclear energy years ago for its benefits and are world renown for technological advancements in the nuclear power field. They, and we too, are being challenged by Mother Nature’s fury.
Locally in the northeast we are being challenged as well. Flooding across NJ, and for that matter in many states, is causing devastation for many families. Homes are being washed away, others under water. How do you pick up and rebuild your life after experiencing such catastrophe? What would you do?
Diane Sawyer said tonight “the Japanese are giving us a master class”. Featuring orderliness, generosity, no looting.
The sun always rises. Assistance in many forms coming from all across the world will help the Japanese get back on their feet and rebuild. Locally here on the east coast, FEMA, state and local agencies will help those dealing with extensive property damage in NJ. Throughout the world people are rebuilding their lives from the devastation of the global recession.
On the human level persistence is key. The human spirit is a magnificent instrument of engagement. Unfortunately, too often it’s only when disaster strikes people engage their humanity and therefore one another. The rest of the time we are trying to keep up with all the tasks before us, and the information coming at us. All of us have experienced trying times in one form or another. Persistence is key to getting through. Taking one step at a time in the direction you think will get you where you want to go. A few weeks ago I tweeted a quote from Martin Luther King, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase”. I’m sure many of Japan’s citizens don’t see the whole staircase now, or maybe they do because of their cultural beliefs.
Having just embarked on the Lenten journey, I plan to use these 40 days to engage with my soul purpose and ensure my humanity is ever engaged with my actions. I trust the Japanese and our own neighbors will continue to demonstrate that engaging our humanity is essential to life.
Caesar: “What say’st thou to me? Speak once again.
Soothsayer: Beware the Ides of March.
Caesar: He is a dreamer, le us leave him. Pass”
It’s A Puzzlement…The More Things Change the More They Stay The Same Yet Spring Brings New Growth
Springtime is that time of year when each of us begins to think about new beginnings. The other day I heard a woman from CA speaking about the beautiful flowers in bloom in her neighborhood. Here in the east we’ve had a really hard winter. Just this weekend we had heavy rains causing flooding and Buffalo has had over 100 inches of snow. Spring. New plants sprout, buds appear on branches, and shop windows showcase clothes in brighter colors. Spring-cleaning! I grew up with a mom who still prides herself at 92 to ready the house for spring by starting her “spring cleaning”. Being a “good” daughter I too have initiated spring-cleaning. I’ve been going through my office sorting files and deciding what I need to keep, verses what I might want to keep. It’s time to clean out file drawers and shelves and allow space for the new. Unfortunately, I’m a slow cleaner. I look through and reflect on many of the files I’m tossing. In one from my year as president of the National Association of Women Business Owners-NYC chapter I foundthe speech I made at the first Signature Awards banquet we held March 20, 2001. It struck me I could give this speech today with minimal edits and it would be relevant. I’ve reprinted it at the end of this blog.
Yes I now have more experience, maturity and wisdom. Ten years ago I spoke of the increased speed at which things were happening and the importance of letting go when the unexpected occurs. Isn’t that true today. I don’t think we had texting then but I find myself wanting to take advantage of every free moment to be in touch with someone for business. A quiet bus ride now becomes a work session, texting and reading emails. The comments from colleagues could have been said today. Although the guy admitting to 12 hour days would probably be looked down upon for not working long and hard enough.
The wisdom I take from these reflections is in life and business you have to have goals, desired outcomes. However you also have to be ready to alter the course when the unexpected happens or you become aware of new information. Secondly, and perhaps even more important today we have to have an inner core of principles and values upon which we live life and conduct ourselves at work. This essential core enables us to survive life’s uncertainties. Our organizations also need guiding principles by which we manage employees with respect, dignity for the human spirit and compassion. These are fundamental components of engaged workers and organizations.
Personally I think we are in the midst of another of Prigogine’s dissipative structures societal transformations. Being in touch with our inner core will help us through this transformative storm.
March 20th 2001 NAWBO Signature Awards Speech
“It is a pleasure and privilege to be here before you. Today is the Spring Equinox. One of two days in the year when there is exactly as much light as there is darkness. Total balance. Tomorrow there will be more daylight. We surely can use it.
We are just about to complete the first quarter of 2001. What a quarter it’s been. A NYT article this weekend said it is not likely we will see a decade like the 90’s again in our lifetime. Abby Joseph Cohen says, “the economy is strong and this downturn is a short term cyclical problem”.
In preparing for my remarks tonight I’ve spoken to many of you to find out the impact of the turbulence on Wall Street is having on you and your business. I’ve been listening to how you characterize your experience. I’ve heard some themes and common language.
- I feel as if I’m in a whirlpool.
- I’m just spinning round and round, faster and faster.
- I feel as if I’m reacting to a barrage of things that are just coming at me. They just keep coming.
- I’ve been in this business for 30 years and I’ve never experienced this. It’s as if I’ve lost control and things are just coming at me.
- I just want some solitude. I’m tired of 12-hour days; I want time with my wife and children.
I resonate with these comments. On a personal note I too feel sometimes as if I’m spinning, and dodging curveballs coming at me with increasing speed. Let me give you some actual examples. We planned this event late last summer. We did what we needed to do. Some deadlines got taxed but we were okay. A week ago Tuesday at our Board meeting I had to tell the Board we only had 32 people registered for this event. We had to pull together and make follow-up calls. Now usually NAWBO members are notorious for registering late for things but this was down right frightening. On that same day we learned one of our awardees Wanla Cheng was injured getting off a bus and broke both ankles. She has had surgery and will be in a wheelchair for a couple of months. She cannot be here but has sent a friend to accept her award and read her speech.
Yesterday i got a call from Lois Benjamin Bohm, her 92 year old mother Saturday and tonight she and her family sit shiver while we celebrate her accomplishments here. She too has sent a friend to stand in. I have to tell you last night I threw up my hands and said I surrender. Then I prayed that Micki Siebert and Di-Ann Eisnor would make it here without incident.
There is an energetic turbulence going on in the world today. Things are just going faster and seem more intense. When I awoke this morning before dawn to put finishing touches on this speech I thought of the book the Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson. How many of you know it? Have you read it? I couldn’t believe it was written in 1980. She introduces the physical chemist Ilya Prigogine who won the Nobel prize in chemistry in 1977 for his theory of dissipative structures. I recall reading how the theory could be applied to societies. Briefly stated, it’s a theory of transformation. When there is intense stress in a system, the system is shaken up vigorously, perturbed, there comes a moment in time when the system must reorder itself. It is no longer what it was but has transformed itself into something totally new with a different set of properties.
As president of an organization such as NAWBO or a business, you want it to achieve outstanding results under your leadership, Your ego is involved. However when you feel as if you are in the midst of an unending meteor shower you have to surrender and let go of the result you envision. Let be what will be.
I share this with you because I think this is a metaphor for what many of us in our businesses both large and small, and our personal lives are experiencing. The best planning gets derailed. As they used to say in a training program called DMA…’just let go and let God.’"
Just Had To Write About This
When was the last time you had a lousy or great customer experience in NYC? Well I had both this morning in a matter of 30 minutes. It’s one of those frigid winter days. Actually, my favorite kind of day with temperatures in the single digits, bright sunshine and low humidity. I know many of you think this is odd. Fortunately, I was dressed for the occasion. I walked over to the NY Public Library on 34th and Madison thinking I was attending a seminar on social media. (I had the day wrong.) I arrived about 9:50 for what I thought was a 10 o’clock seminar. A number of us about 10 were standing out on the street waiting for the doors to open. I could tell not everyone was as enamored with the weather as I was. I also noticed that I was the only woman waiting which I thought was odd. Finally someone came out and opened the front door so that those of us waiting could stand in the warmth of the vestibule. Why they couldn't do this earlier is a puzzlement. People dashed inside, where we waited for another 5-10 minutes for the interior doors to open. For many they were pleased to get out of the cold. We finally were let in and I had a sneaking suspicion I was at the wrong location or had entered the date incorrectly. So I started asking people behind desks. First young man I asked said I should ask the librarian at the other end of this very long desk. I moved down, saw two other women and asked if either was the librarian. They pointed to a woman at the far end of the desk. As I walked up a gentleman came from the other direction and she turned to help him. I stood there waiting my turn when she looked up with a grim face and said curtly “you have to stand behind the stanchions”. I felt like a kid being scolded. When it was finally my turn, which seemed like an eternity but in reality was no more than two or three minutes she sent me over to an office where the inhabitant would likely know about what I was asking. As I walked out I couldn’t help but wonder about this woman with a sour disposition and the others who expressed little or no interest in helping me. They were just starting their day and were already disengaged. How would the rest of the day unfold for them and all those with whom they come in contact? I was out of the office, it was early, why not go and replace my iPhone which I’ve had for 3 years and had seen better times? I began walking in the direction of the ATT store in which I’d made my original purchase when something told me should go to 34th street. Fritz Perls used to say, "when you don't know what direction to go in, follow your feet". Which is what I did. On the ground floor of the Empire State Building is an ATT store. I walked in and was immediately greeted with a smile and warm hello by a young man who asked if he could be of assistance. I told him I was thinking of getting a new iPhone and wasn’t sure which one to get. After showing him my existing phone and discussing usage he discussed options with me. When I mentioned my difficulty with reception at our weekend home he said he would try to correct that which he did by providing a micro cell device. He set up the phone, transferred data and told me I could give the old phone, which he was surprised looked so good, to a friend, charity or get a refund on it. This man, Samba, was wonderful. I asked to speak with his manager so that I could tell him how pleased I was with my experience. Greg and I spoke and he asked if I wouldn’t mind putting my comments in an email so that he could put them in Samba’s file. I was so impressed. You know I wrote that email before I wrote this blog.
So in a matter of 30 minutes I experienced the extremes of organization engagement. Being “put in my place” and passed off to one person after another at the library. Not one of them was willing to exert a little extra energy and engage a customer. At the other end of the spectrum I was welcomed in the ATT store. Fully informed of my options, I made a purchase and then had everything activated. It was a complete experience. The manager had laid the foundation on which to build an engaged organization. Kudos to Samba and Greg at the ATT store on 34th and 5th Avenue. You made my day!
Are You In The Clouds?
It’s just a few days after Valentine’s Day. Stores are already decorated for the Easter Bunny. Time seems to be disappearing at exponential rates. February is more than half over. Whew! Where am I? I’m in the clouds. Yes I’m learning about and embracing cloud computing. For those not sure what this is I suggest a visit to Wikipedia. If you use Google Docs you’ve been a cloud. From what I am reading and discussing with colleagues this can be a real game changer. How and for whom you might ask? People employed in corporate technology departments. The advent of cloud computing is likely to eliminate or transform many technology department roles. Some writers compare cloud computing to the energy grid. It takes a moment to get my head around the concept of technology being similar to a utility, and being paid for in a similar fashion.
Our theme is always engaged organizations. The shift from internal departments overseeing the technology infrastructure and needs of their companies to outsourcing it to large cloud management utilities is a paradigm shift. Many who thought being in technology would have an added advantage protecting their jobs are beginning to experience the uncertainty many others in the work force have experienced. Effectively managing the change and transition will be important in maintaining employee engagement. An often-overlooked component is the strategic redesign of roles and identification of who should inhabit the new roles. Requisite Organization advisors can play an important role here because RO provides the universal principles for designing roles and the managerial spines and business units within which they exist.
A Case Study You Wouldn't Want To Recreate
Those of you who know me personally know I have a strong curiosity especially when it comes to people and their experiences in the world of work. We are renovating a bathroom in our apartment and living with three workers who are demolishing and rebuilding it. While standing in the kitchen over a cup of coffee I asked my contractor how he got started. I share his story because its one those of you who are managers can really learn a lesson from.... Who would have known but my contractor was a mechanic for a Porche Audi dealership. He said and I paraphrase,
I started out in my early twenties as an hourly wage mechanic at the dealership. When I started I had no idea I would love being a mechanic as much as I did. I learned everything I could and quickly rose through the ranks. I loved going to work. I loved it so much I would have worked for nothing if I was independently wealthy. The company asked for volunteers to work a four day week with 11 hour shifts. I seized the opportunity as it gave me three days off. My coworkers were concerned they wouldn’t get time and a half for the additional four hours. It made no sense to me. I’d have a full day to myself and what’s more I had the time in the four days I worked to get immersed in challenging assignments and see them to completion. We had customer satisfaction surveys. The dealership overall had a 74% rating. I had a 94% rating. I was the best.
The dealership was bought out and a new manager came in. It was downhill from the first day. Working on a particularly difficult car I checked out everything and couldn’t find anything wrong. I went to the service updates the manufacturer regularly put out and saw something that made sense to me. (Pete was very explicit about what was wrong but I wasn’t taking notes so you are getting the Cliff Notes version.) After hours of personal inspection and reviewing the service updates Pete concluded the car needed a tune up and told his new manager so. He explained why. The manager said that couldn’t be, words flew and the manager assigned the car to a less skilled mechanic to find out what was wrong. Pete said the game changed at that moment. He worked there for the next three months doing his job but without the passion that had let him work to “110% of capacity every hour I was there”. He left the company within three months and started his own small business.
More than 12 years later, I could hear in Pete’s voice how hurt and insulted he was. He was right back in the service department as he told the story. He is now a general contractor with a long standing crew and together they work seamlessly.
So here are a few lessons to take from Pete’s story. If you are the new guy or gal coming in to manage an existing workforce take your time to get to know your people before pulling rank on them especially in nonessential situations.
If indeed you do need to override an employee’s decision discuss it with him or her. Explain why you are making the decision to override. In this case the dealership lost its best service technician. In fact the action of the new manager reinforced the behavior of other employees, which was to do just enough to get by. The dealership and its customers suffered because this manager couldn’t believe one of his mechanics worked so thoroughly, there was a simple solution to a seemingly complex problem which was written up in the manufacturers own periodic service updates, the new manager chose to assert his authority before understanding the dynamics of the organization he managed.
From the employees perspective Pete still remembers this encounter. He has chosen not to work for anyone else again but rather to become his own boss. This is great for Pete has he has excellent customer service skills, likely thanks to the training of Porche Audi he received as a young man. He is an entrepreneur stimulating the economy and hiring employees and other business owners. However not everyone is a Pete. Not everyone is made out for the uncertainty of business ownership or management. There are a lot of people in the work force who are not engaged because of situations similar to Pete’s. Can you imagine the creativity that would be unleashed in our country if managers would have discussions with people in their employ and recognize the unique gifts each brings to the world. This is the power of an engaged organization and the engaged people who inhabit them.
By the way on Friday’s 6 o’clock ABC evening news there was a featured story about a 10 year-old girl who is part of a music program in the NYC school system. Believe her name is Nuha Dolby. A composition she composed was played by the NY Philharmonic Friday. Stellar in and of itself, but what I found profound were her comments in the interview that accompanied the report. When asked to comment about how special she is, she said everyone is born with their own unique specialness. Hope you will have a chance to hear her. Click here to see the news clip.
Is Your Mojo Working?
I’ve always loved winter. One of those rare people, my favorite days are characterized by temperatures in the teens, sunshine with bright blue skies. Here in NYC we’ve just had the second snowiest month ever missing an all time record by less than an inch. I happen to love snow especially when it’s untouched, covering everything and disturbed by no one. It’s magical yet....sooty snow, slush, icy walkways and gray skies on the other hand leave much to be desired. I’ve never been affected by S.A.D. (seasonal affective disorder) but have noticed some subtle changes in my own behavior of late, like a short fuse while driving, and difficulty generating energy for meetings outside the office. I mustered up energy to attend the NYHRP meeting Monday featuring Marshall Goldsmith the renowned executive coach and author. Never having heard him live, I was curious. He is committed and inspiring. Unbeknownst to me the theme for NYHRP programs this year is employee engagement. Very much aligned with BEI’s Building Engaged Organizations focus. Marshall’s latest book MOJO How To Get It, How To Keep It, How to Get It Back If You Lose It, was the source of his comments. Click here for Marshall Goldsmith's website. According to Goldsmith, mojo has to do with one’s inner spirit, that which radiates out from within in a positive fashion. This is unlike the mojo gotten from a spiritualist in Muddy Waters’ blues song.
Everything we do comes from within. We are in control of how we react to everything that transpires in our day. Yes bad things happen to good people. But each of us has a choice. We can choose how we react to the events life brings.
This morning to overcome S.A.D. creeping up on me I exercised. A half hour on my Cellerciser sets a healthy tone for the day. To overcome the grayness of yet another stormy day I turned on more lights in my office. I sit next to large windows and have found that the light from desk and wall lamps help bring a golden glow to the gray light coming through the windowpane. I’ve also begun a daily practice of reading something inspirational or watching a short inspirational video to help get in touch with my mojo to set the framework for a positive day.
I recommend picking up Goldsmith’s book as he presents four key factors, which impact our professional mojo. The insight is helpful as are the tools to help people get in touch with their true self and get their mojo working.
Received this quote today no author was acknowledged. Decided to share it anyway.
"The highest reward for your work is not what you get for it, but what you become by it."