Moving forward In This Challenging Economy

The recession and slow recovery has caused fear and frustration in the minds and hearts of workers throughout the country and world.  Many US based businesses have been frustrated by their lack of success in creating sustainable improvements in their companies, while having spent millions if not billions of dollars on technology and consulting.  The spirit of the American worker is strong even though s/he may have been beaten down. Robert Kiyosaki in his new book, The Business of the 21st Century presents network marketing as a solution.  Network marketing is a vehicle by which individuals can become self- employed, with a modest initial investment and usually manageable monthly expenditures.  Many of you know that Rosemary Bova has recently joined the Trump Network ( as an independent marketer. Her interest is twofold, firstly to learn more about this model of product distribution and secondly to use it as a vehicle to create long-term residual income.

It’s been an interesting journey. The bottom line is: self-employment is not the answer for everyone.  Most people I meet are intimidated by and fearful of having to rely on themselves for an income.  Having been self-employed for more than twenty years I find that hard to understand. It takes courage to be self-employed.

Most people want to be employed in a work system that values their contribution, treats them right and pays them fairly for their efforts.   That is why it is so important to build strong vibrant work systems, which is the mission of BEI.  We help build engaged organizations, and will soon be using the newly launched tool the RO Platform ( to help managers get a handle on the hidden fractures in their infrastructures.

Bova Enterprises, Inc. looks forward to introducing clients and colleagues to the RO Platform software. Call us at 212 685 0870 for a demonstration.


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